Understanding the economic conditions we live in will better help us to edify the body of Christ. Knowledge is power and your financial stewardship is key!
Church defined in two ways:
Church- Bible meaning
*The body of Christ, a group of believers
(1 Corinthians 1:2; 2 Corinthians 1:1; Galatians 1:1-2).
*The body of individual living believers
(1 Corinthians 15:9; Galatians 1:13).
*The universal group of all people who have trusted Christ through the ages
(Matthew 16:18)
Church- Merriam Webster Dictionary meaning
A building for public and especially Christian worship.
Now let's discuss sustaining # 1, you as the church.
In order to sustain your daily existence you'll require several things:
A. The breath of God.
B. Realization of God's plan for your day.
C. Obeying God's plan.
D. Prayer
E. Water, food, and nutrients.
F. Clothing.
G. Shelter.
H. Transportation.
I. Wisdom and discernment.
J. Support and encouragement.
K. Money.
L. Giving.
M. Lots of love and understanding.
I could go on and on; however, the point here is that your individual body as the church needs many things. It would be nice to believe that money makes the world go around and makes life simple but it never has and it never will. It's your belief system, use of everything God has given you, giving, understanding of money, and your wisdom of how to use money that can make your world go around, and very nicely I'll add. The same as how you use your body, is your mouth a spring or a ditch, are your gifts and talents tucked away beneath work , work, and more work or are you balancing it all, are you trusting the Lord with all your heart so that you're not leaning on your own understanding, have you committed your will to His? Well sustaining the church/you can be summed up quite eloquently:
1 Corinthians 3:16King James Version
16 Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?
Now let's discuss sustaining #2, the building/edifice we refer to as the church.
In order to sustain the building's existence it'll require several things:
A. Holy Ghost filled leadership
B. Believers following Jesus Christ crucified and resurrected.
C. Soul winners
D. Prayer warriors, intercessors
E. Selfless servants
F. Planning
G. Exchange of gifts and talents
H. No selfish ambition or vain conceit
G. Tithes, Offerings, and Donations
-food pantry
-clothes bank
-building maintenance
-security system
-audio/visual equipment
-digital technology
-landscaping(clean up)
-property taxes
-liability insurance
-commercial insurance
-school/daycare on premise for our children
-necessities for our seniors
-after school recreation for our teens
-mortgage note(Saved this for last because before we reach here it'll already have passed)
Can't I go on and on, both list could reach the alphabet Z; I know you understand. Well sustaining the church/edifice can be summed up eloquently as well:
Acts 5:42
“And daily in the temple, and in every house, they ceased not to teach and preach Jesus Christ.”
Sustaining the church on both hands is our responsibility. Let's be accountable to Jesus Christ.